Purdue University Dairy Goats Information


Mac Mendell, Undergraduate Student, Dept. of Animal Sciences

Goats are ruminants. Ruminants have four functional stomach compartments. In adult goats, the rumen is the largest part of the stomach, and does most of the breaking down of the roughage that they eat. Goats have the ability to graze over rough terrain, thereby utilizing forage almost inaccessible to other species. They are agile and sure-footed and are "browsers." Often goats prefer brushy species and weeds rather than the more typical pasture or range grasses. High-quality forage is very important because nutrient content and the tendency of goats to refuse course stems. Intake of forages accounts for over 75% of the differences observed in animal performance between various forages. Digestible fiber is especially important in dairy goat diets. Too much grain in relation to forage does not foster good ruminant action and is a costly feeding practice.

Grain consumption should be reduced or removed near the time the dairy goat is turned dry. At the time of drying-off, substitute fair to good quality grass hay for alfafa or other sources of legume hay.

The dairy goat should be maintained in good condition during the dry period so she will freshen in a healthy state and have every opportunity to produce more milk in the next lactation. A good mineral mixture should be available. A purchased mineral may contain from 12-18% calcium, 6-8% phosphorus and 25-30% salt, with trace minerals and vitamins. The exact ratio of calcium to phosphorus needed is dependent on forage sources since legumes are higher in calcium than grass.

During the last 3-4 weeks of gestation, nutrition becomes more important to the doe. She should receive a better quality grass hay and about the same type of ration she will receive after kidding.

The doe should be managed during the dry period so that she is in good condition at the time of kidding. She should not be allowed to become fat.

Water is the most important nutrient for any animal, and dairy goats are no exception. Fresh clean water is essential.

Caprine arthritis and encephalitis (CAE) is the greatest cause of animal and milk loss. Kids are born with no natural protection from disease. The first milk (colostrums) from the mother offers protection and gets the digestive system working. Many goat raisers pasteurize
and administer the first colostrums, then feed pasteurized milk, to reduce the spread of CAE from the dam to kid through nursing or feeding of raw milk. Milk replacer may be fed from the fourth day; it should contain at least 20 percent protein, 20 percent fat and be free of vegetable products. A lamb or high-quality calf milk replacer is recommended.

Provide hay and grain at one to two weeks of age. Make sure of good quality hay such as alfafa/sudan grass or alfafa/prairie is preferable to an all alfafa or all-grass hay. Wean from milk when grain intake reaches ¼-pound daily and kids are readily consuming hay. Feed hay and concentrate mix twice daily and only what the kid will clean up. Be careful not to overfeed. After four to six months of age, the kids may be fed a ration similar to that of the milking herd.

Hay and grain rations for the milking herd should consist of mostly legume with 14 to 16 percent protein in grain and high phosphorus mixes or mostly grass with 16 to 18 percent protein in grain and a 2:1 Ca:P mix. To determine the amount of grain to feed, consider level of milk production, amount and quality of forages consumed, appetite and state of fleshing. Thin, high-producing does should have access to all the hay they can eat plus grain to the limit of their appetite. Does in mid-lactation that are in good flesh should have all the hay they will eat plus 1 pound of grain for each 3 pounds milk produced. Late lactation does may not need more than 1 pound of grain for each 5 pounds of milk. Be sure all grain rations add a vitamin premix that will provide 1000 units of vitamin A, 500 units of vitamin D and 3 units of vitamin E per pound of grain.
Feed a grain ration formulated for a milk-producing ruminant (dairy cows). Rolled or cracked grain is more palatable than ground grain. Because of palatability problems, urea is not recommended. Some commercial cow feeds may contain byproduct ingredients unpalatable to goats. Wet molasses is more palatable than dry molasses. Beer or citrus pulp is a valuable source of fiber, especially if the available hay is of low quality. The table below lists some palatable and nutritious rations your local miller could mix.
Sample grain rations.

Level of protein in finished mix (pounds)


14 percent

16 percent

18 percent

20 percent


Cracked or rolled corn





Rolled oats





Soybean oil meal (44 percent)





Beet or citrus pulp










Trace mineral salt





Dicalcium phosphate





Magnesium oxide





For convenience, you may feed the buck the same grain fed the milking herd. Most bucks do not need more than a pound of grain per day plus forages. Don't let them grow fat. Adjust grain upward or downward accordingly. Always feed full forage.

Coccidiosis is a common problem in wet and unclean housing. Treatment to prevent Coccidiosis should begin when the kids are three weeks old. A rigid program for internal parasite control must be included in the raising and maintenance of a healthy herd.

(Information sources include Ohio State University and University of Missouri Extension)

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