Purdue University

Purdue Animal Sciences

Purdue University Swine Research Reports 2001

Articles are available in html (click on the title) and pdf (click on ) formats.

Development of Models to Describe the Weekly Response of Ractopamine, When Constant or Variable Dietary Levels of Paylean are Fed (also in PDF: Development of Models to Describe the Weekly Response of Ractopamine, When Constant or Variable Dietary Levels of Paylean are Fed). A.P. Schinckel, Y. Wang, B.T. Richert, M.E. Einstein, and C. Herr. Department of Animal Sciences.

Models to Predict the Response of Pigs to Increasing Levels of Ractopamine (also in PDF: Models to Predict the Response of Pigs to Increasing Levels of Ractopamine). A.P. Schinckel, M.E. Einstein, C.T. Herr, and B.T. Richert. Department of Animal Sciences.

Initial Evaluation of a Model to Optimized Digestible Lysine Levels When Ractopamine is Fed (also in PDF: Initial Evaluation of a Model to Optimized Digestible Lysine Levels When Ractopamine is Fed). A.P. Schinckel, J. Chen, and M.E. Einstein. Department of Animal Sciences.

Modeling the Response to Paylean and Dietary Lysine Requirements (also in PDF: Modeling the Response to Paylean and Dietary Lysine Requirements). A.P. Schinckel, B.T. Richert, and D.C. Kendall. Department of Animal Sciences.

Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model for Swine Growth (also in PDF: Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model for Swine Growth). A.P. Schinckel and B.A. Craig. Departments of Animal Sciences and Statistics.

Evaluation of an Updated Model to Describe the Compositional Growth of Pigs Fed Paylean (also in PDF: Evaluation of an Updated Model to Describe the Compositional Growth of Pigs Fed Paylean). A.P. Schinckel, B.T. Richert, and M.E. Einstein. Department of Animal Sciences.

Optimal Paylean Sequence (Step-up/Step-down) When Fed to Late-finishing Swine (also in PDF: Optimal Paylean Sequence (Step-up/Step-down) When Fed to Late-finishing Swine). C.T. Herr, A.P. Schinckel, L. Watkins, B. Weldon, and B.T. Richert. Department of Animal Sciences and Elanco Animal Health.

The Effect of Paylean and Dietary Crude Protein Level on Odor Production and Nutrient Concentration in Anaerobically Stored Pig Manure (also in PDF: The Effect of Paylean and Dietary Crude Protein Level on Odor Production and Nutrient Concentration in Anaerobically Stored Pig Manure). S.L. Hankins, S.A. DeCamp, B.T. Richert, D.B. Anderson, and A.L. Sutton. Department of Animal Sciences.

Evaluation of the Effects of Dietary Fat, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, and Ractopamine on Growth Performance and Carcass Quality in Genetically Lean Gilts (also in PDF: Evaluation of the Effects of Dietary Fat, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, and Ractopamine on Growth Performance and Carcass Quality in Genetically Lean Gilts). T.E. Weber, K. Enright, B.T. Richtert, and A.P. Schinckel. Department of Animal Sciences.

The Use of Spray Dried Eggs as an Ingredient in Diets for Infantile Pigs and Broilers (also in PDF: The Use of Spray Dried Eggs as an Ingredient in Diets for Infantile Pigs and Broilers). B.G. Harmon, M.A. Latour, and S. Norberg. Department of Animal Sciences.

Evaluation of Nutridense Corn and Normal Corn for Grow-Finish Pigs (also in PDF: Evaluation of Nutridense Corn and Normal Corn for Grow-Finish Pigs). B.E. Hill, C.T. Herr, S.L. Hankins, S.A. DeCamp, and B.T. Richert. Department of Animal Sciences.

Growth Performance, Phosphorus Balance, and Bioavailability of Phosphorus in Pigs Fed High Available Phosphorus Corn and Phytase (also in PDF: Growth Performance, Phosphorus Balance, and Bioavailability of Phosphorus in Pigs Fed High Available Phosphorus Corn and Phytase). J.S. Sands, D. Ragland, and O. Adeola. Departments of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Clinical Sciences.

Effects of Soybean Hulls on Pig Performance, Manure Composition, and Air Quality (also in PDF: Effects of Soybean Hulls on Pig Performance, Manure Composition, and Air Quality). S.A. DeCamp, B. Hill, S.L. Hankins, C.T. Herr, B.T. Richert, A.L. Sutton, D.T. Kelly, M.L. Cobb, D.W. Bundy, and W.J. Powers. Departments of Animal Sciences, Purdue University and Iowa State University.

Effect of Several Known Dietary Manipulations Used In Combination on Nutrient Concentration and Ammonia Emission of Stored Manure (also in PDF: Effect of Several Known Dietary Manipulations Used In Combination on Nutrient Concentration and Ammonia Emission of Stored Manure). S.L. Hankins, D.C. Kendall, S.A. DeCamp, D.T. Kelly, A.L. Sutton, and B.T. Richert. Department of Animal Sciences.

Effects of Ractopamine and Level of Dietary Crude Protein on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Excretion from Finishing Pigs (also in PDF: Effects of Ractopamine and Level of Dietary Crude Protein on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Excretion from Finishing Pigs). S.A. DeCamp, S.L. Hankins, A.L. Carroll, D.J. Ivers, B.T. Richert, A.L. Sutton, and D.B. Anderson. Department of Animal Sciences and Elanco Animal Health.

Digestibility of Several Known Dietary Manipulations Used in Combination to Reduce Nutrient Excretion in Pigs (also in PDF: Digestibility of Several Known Dietary Manipulations Used in Combination to Reduce Nutrient Excretion in Pigs). S.L. Hankins, D.C. Kendall, S.A. DeCamp, D.T. Kelly, A.L. Sutton, and B.T. Richert. Department of Animal Sciences.

Evaluating Housing Stress in Gestating Gilts Using Immunological Measures (also in PDF: Evaluating Housing Stress in Gestating Gilts Using Immunological Measures). A.D. Sorrells, S.D. Eicher, M.J. Harris, E.A. Pajor, and B.T. Richert. USDA-ARS and Department of Animal Sciences.

Effects of Production and Health on Two Types of Housing for Pregnant Gilts (also in PDF: Effects of Production and Health on Two Types of Housing for Pregnant Gilts). M.J. Harris, A.D. Sorrells, S.D. Eicher, B.T. Richert, and E.A. Pajor. Department of Animal Sciences and USDA-ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit.

Research in Progress (also in PDF: Research in Progress).